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Ancient Egyptian Inventions

Ancient Egyptian Inventions - Egypt Tours Portal

The ancient Egyptians were blessed with an amazing intellect and a magical imagination that created ancient Egyptian inventions that were used during their time to experiment with many ideas in order to gain further understanding of the universe they occupied. They invented ways to elevate & document their lives and many useful gadgets that spread to other civilizations. They made many amazing contributions towards language, numeracy, and science which are gifts that keep on giving. The Ancient Greek regarded Egypt as the land of mystery and wisdom and the Ancient Roman was fascinated with Egyptian architecture and art. The ancient Egyptian civilization was the first to spin the wheel of innovation, creativity, and set the bar high for all other civilizations. Here is a list of Egyptian inventions and discoveries:

Ancient Egyptian Inventions In Language & Literature

Ancient Egyptian Inventions In Language & Literature - Egypt Tours Portal Language is one of the most important explorations of ancient Egyptian inventions, they created the art of writing to express their ideas, at first the Egyptians used pictures and pictographic signs but eventually after a couple of thousands of years, they invented 24 alphabets (Where Each Symbol Represent a Sound Rather than a Whole Word), In 3200 B.C.E, This caught on with Egypt’s neighbors the Phoenicians who made their own alphabet which spread through the near east and Greece. This acted as the cause and foundation for alphabets all over the ancient world and influenced speech and writing. All of this information came into light because of the discovery of the Rosetta stone in 1799 A.D. The ancient Egyptians were the first people to move away from stone tablets and try writing on papyrus using ink in 3000 B.C.E. They were able to use their imagination to create immortal literature that reflected their emotions, legends, myths, adventures, and religious thoughts like "The Pyramid Texts", "The Coffin Texts", and "The Book of the Dead". They had many languages over the years which are:

  • Archaic Egyptian (before 2600 B.C.E.)
  • Old Egyptian (2600–2000 B.C.E.)
  • Middle Egyptian (2000–1300 B.C.E.)
  • Late Egyptian (1300–700 B.C.E.)
  • Demotic Egyptian (7th century B.C.E.–4th-century C.E.)
  • Coptic (3rd– 12th-century C.E)

Ancient Egyptian Inventions in Mathematics, Geometry& Architecture

Ancient Egyptian Inventions In Language & Literature - Egypt Tours Portal The ancient Egyptians were very gifted when it came to mathematics, they were very efficient in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and were the first to invent basic and complex fractions as traces were found on a papyrus written in 1650 B.C.E. There also the earliest confirmed use of a decimal system in 3100 B.C.E. Their mathematics was more practical than what the Greeks or Mesopotamians had. The earliest records of geometry came from Egypt, as they had various techniques to perform these calculations which we still use today in modern-day computing. The ancient Egyptian also had a talent for creating some of the most inspiring structures the world has ever seen through using their advanced knowledge of architecture and the science behind triangle, square, quadrangle, and other shapes for measuring the land. They were able to build amazing monuments like the majestic three Giza Pyramids, the Great Sphinx, the whole city of Karnak, and a huge number of well-designed and crafted monuments that stood the test of time. This encouraged other civilizations to take the same path and create marvelous monuments like the Greeks. The Ancient Egyptians were the first to invent custom-made bricks of the same size and cement, use copper plumbing in 3000 B.C.E, use precise surveying in 2700 B.C.E to build their breathtaking structures, and the Astronomical calendar in 2400 B.C.E which we still use until today for its accurate regularity. [portal-separatorarator]

Ancient Egyptian Inventions In Creation of Medicine

Ancient Egyptian Inventions In Creation of Medicine - Egypt Tours Portal They invested a lot of their time in understanding the art of human anatomy which started in 3000 B.C.E. Egyptian medicine had an excellent reputation in the ancient world as many doctors were able to stitch up wounds, repair broken bones or even amputate limbs. They used opium as a painkiller and foods like onions and garlic were consumed daily because of their health benefits. They were the first to create and use a toothbrush and toothpaste as they cared deeply about their dental hygiene. They used many herbs to treat wounds and performed very complex surgeries using several bronze surgical tools as the world’s earliest known mention of the word surgery was in 2700 B.C.E in ancient papyrus. For all these reasons, Egyptian doctors were very famous all across the Mediterranean.

Ancient Egyptian Inventions In Philosophy & History

Ancient Egyptian Inventions In Philosophy & History - Egypt Tours Portal They invested a lot of their time in understanding the art of human anatomy which started in 3000 B.C.E. Egyptian medicine had an excellent reputation in the ancient world as many doctors were able to stitch up wounds, repair broken bones or even amputate limbs. They used opium as a painkiller and foods like onions and garlic were consumed daily because of their health benefits. They were the first to create and use a toothbrush and toothpaste as they cared deeply about their dental hygiene. They used many herbs to treat wounds and performed very complex surgeries using several bronze surgical tools as the world’s earliest known mention of the word surgery was in 2700 B.C.E in ancient papyrus. For all these reasons, Egyptian doctors were very famous all across the Mediterranean.

Ancient Egyptian Inventions In Ships, Trade & Farming

Ancient Egyptian Inventions In Ships, Trade & Farming - Egypt Tours Portal The ancient Egyptians were the first to use boats in domestic and foreign trade and commerce. Egypt was a hot spot for trade in the Mediterranean as they exported and imported many goods like cattle, wine from Asia, precious stones from Persia, and copper from Senia. They were able to achieve great trade relations with Sudan, Phoenicia, crate, and Persia. They used the advanced knowledge of aerodynamics and shipbuilding techniques to be the first to develop their own navy. They also created the earliest known geologic and topographic map in 1160 B.C.E. They were the first to explore and invest in the full potentials of agriculture and farming as they observed the cycles of the Nile which led to the creation of the oldest irrigation systems and the use of sickle blades and plows driven by oxen to loosen the dry soil.

Ancient Egyptian Inventions In Craftsmanship, Art, and Entertainment

Ancient Egyptian Inventions In Craftsmanship, Art, and Entertainment - Egypt Tours Portal The Egyptians were true artists as they were able to mix science with beauty and create something spectacular. They were the first people to end their independence on wood and stone and move to metal. They were pioneers in metallurgy as they made bronze in 3300 B.C.E by fusing copper and tin and made many tools from it that were used in various fields. They built all the hunting tools like knives, arrows, heads, fishing hooks, weapons such as swords, helmets, and shields, and many carpentry tools like saws, axes, and chisels from bronze. They were the first to invent the pottery wheel which allowed the mass production of many vases and crockery. In 3500 B.C.E, The Egyptians were able to create glass in 1500 B.C.E, by heating this material using silica sand and soda to the highest possible degrees. Ancient Egyptians were incredible painters as they created many beautiful paintings and drawings on temple walls that stood the test of time. They were also the first to invent and use wigs, stylish jewelry, and cosmetics all made from natural recourses. They also created the world’s first board game in 2900 B.C.E. called Senet that inspired many future games like chess.

Cast Your Eyes on Egypt Wonders By Booking A Tour to Egypt

Ancient Egypt was the envy of all its neighbors as it has created a glorious legacy by giving birth to an infinite number of inventions and ideas, which still play a role in our lives until the present day. So it will be amazing to cast your eyes on the breathtaking temples and tombs of the ancient Egyptian during your Egypt Vacation packages or Nile river cruise so don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden world of Egyptian mythology, temples, tombs, and many more across the immortal cities of Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, and Alexandria.

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