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List of 13 Major Lakes in Egypt

Explore Egypt's aquatic wonders with our comprehensive list of 13 major lakes. Unearth hidden gems and embark on a journey through Egypt's liquid treasures.

Lakes in Egypt - Egypt Tours Portal


  • Egypt's lakes are described as blessings that provide life to the country with their crystal-clear waters and natural beauty.
  • Notable lakes in Egypt include the Magic Lake in Fayoum, Lake Nasser in Aswan, Lake Moeris in the Fayum basin, Lake Timsah in Ismailia, the Salt Lakes of Siwa, and the Lakes of Wadi Al-Rayan in Fayoum.
  • Lake Burullus in Kafr El-Sheikh, Lake Mariout near the Nile River, the Great Bitter Lake near the Suez Canal, Bardawil Lake on the northern coast of Sinai, Toshka Lakes created by Nile floods, and Lake Manzala on the Nile Delta are also mentioned.
  • The content highlights the unique features and historical significance of each lake.
  • It discusses activities and attractions around these lakes, such as sandboarding, desert safaris, and wildlife.
  • The Idku Lake is presented as a freshwater lake connected to the Mediterranean Sea with a diverse ecosystem.

The lakes of Egypt are blessed tears that fell from the heavens to bring life to the lands of Egypt. Out of all the many treasures and exceptional beautiful attractions, landscapes, and landmarks to witness in Egypt, among them are the gorgeous lakes in Egypt that are known for their crystal water and their ability to reflect the amazing natural beauty of Egypt. Across the vast lands of Egypt are beautiful paintings of divine allure that change the face of the sahara of Egypt from harsh yellow to rich green signifying the natural wealth of plants, fishes, and animals that took these wonderful lakes as the ultimate shelter.

You will find a guide below to some of the most captivating Egyptian lakes to have a clear idea about them and never lose the chance to head to one of them whenever you find yourself close to them.

1- The Magic Lake

The Magic Lake - Lakes in Egypt
The Magic Lake - Lakes in Egypt

The magic lake in Fayoum is considered one of the most impressive lakes in Egypt and it is surrounded by lots of Rocky Mountains and sand dunes. The magic lake is located in the Fayoum Oasis specifically in the Wadi El-Hitan area and it has got its name due to the magnificent changing colors of its water that happens during the day. The lake is famous for offering a magical view of the sun dunes of Wadi El Hitan, Mudawara mountain, and an enchanting waterfall where everyone can catch the most magnificent and eye-catching sunsets across the magnificent tops and landscapes of Fayoum.

The lake is blessed with an incredible amount of minerals which has many medical purposes which include treating rheumatism through a native practice called sun bath. In addition to this, there are lots of amazing activities that visitors can enjoy while being there just through being a part of a number of different magical and thrilling activities which include sandboarding, horseback riding, desert safaris, and some other interesting things that can’t be missed.

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2- Lake Nasser

Lake Nasser - Lakes in Egypt
Lake Nasser - Lakes in Egypt

Lake Nasser in Aswan is considered one of the largest lakes in the world ever that were made by man which acted as a gigantic reservoir found in southern Egypt in Aswan. The reason behind its creation is the construction of the High Dam of Aswan. That lake was named after the Egyptian president Gamal Abd El-Nasser since he was the one responsible for the beginning of the project of the High Dam of Aswan. It came into existence between 1958 and 1970 with the efforts of the Egyptian governments and local businesses plus the help of the soviet union.

This great artificial lake has a Surface area of 5,250 km2 (2,030 sq mi) that spans 479 km in length and 16 km in width plus 132 cubic kilometers of water. There are so many fabulous attractions in the area in addition to Lake Nasser like the glorious Abu Simbel Temple through boarding a Nile cruise across this magnificent lake. That is why lots of tourists come from all over the world to visit the amazing city of Aswan during the whole year.

3- Lake Moeris

Lake Moeris - Lakes in Egypt
Lake Moeris - Lakes in Egypt

Lake Moeris known as Qarun Lake came into existence a long time ago due to a number of natural processes like the overflow of the Nile and the Fayum basin was established by wind erosion during the days of the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs of the 12th dynasty. It is found under the labyrinth of Egypt across the magnificent ancient city of Crocodilopolis. The lake’s history across the ages is connected with the geological changes as the lake was created by being overflow of the waters of the Nile river thus filling this empathy Fayum hollow thus forming the lake around 3000 BC. It used to be a very clear lake with freshwater but it is now a smaller one with saltwater and it covers about 202 square kilometers of the land.

The name "Lake Moeris" is a Greek translation of the name "mr-wr" meaning "Great Canal" and the word moeris is a Greek name of the great pharaoh Amenemhat III. Birket Qarun has a space of 202 square kilometers which serves as an ideal source of fresh fish for consumption called tilapia. One of the greatest discoveries found in the area is the prehistoric mammal Moeritherium. The lake played a great role in transportation as it holds the world's oldest known paved road which was used to move the rock used in the construction projects of the Giza Necropolis. There, you will find tens of the most amazing ancient monuments, landmarks, and treasures that definitely worth to be visited during your Egypt vacation.

4- Lake Timsah

Lake Timsah - Lakes in Egypt
Lake Timsah - Lakes in Egypt

Lake Timsah is the Arabic meaning of crocodile and it is located in the governorate of Ismailia on the Nile delta, occupying a great depression that extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the Gulf of Suez. Its surface covers about 5.4 square miles of shallow marshy lands which exceeds about three feet in depth. The lake has a long history which dates back to 4,000 years during the middle kingdom of Egypt where a canal was built.

The salinity of the lake has risen with time due to the waters of the Red Sea and the changes made by human interference like the creation of the Aswan High Dam. The lake became a part of the Suez Canal. There are so many beaches that overlook the lake including Melaha, Fayrouz, and Bahary beaches.

5- The Salt Lakes of Siwa

Lakes of Siwa - Lakes in Egypt
Lakes of Siwa - Lakes in Egypt

The magical Siwa Oasis is without a doubt one of the most astonishing oases in Egypt. It is located in the Western Desert, stretching for over 1200 hectares, and it is highly recommended for travelers who want to enjoy the amazing landscape and the incredible hot springs of the area. It is made of 4 main salt lakes which are Zeitoun Lake in the east stretch for an area of 5760 acres, Aghormy Lake in the north-east which covers an area of 960 acres, Siwa Lake which covers an area of 3,600 acres, and Maraqi Lake in the western side that covers an area of of 700 acres.

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The Zeitoun Lake is by far the biggest with a number of smaller lakes within it that gained popularity with its healing factors like Aghormy Lake and Fatnas Lake. What makes the waters of the Siwa unique is the high concentration of salt in the waters that reaches 95% salt which is known for its profound healthy medical properties for eye, skin, and sinus conditions. There are lots of desert activities that tourists can enjoy there just like Quad biking & camping in the desert. Because of the salty water of the area, it is best chosen for medical treatment for both skin & eyes.


6- Lakes of Wadi Al-Rayan

Wadi Al Rayan Lakes - Lakes in Egypt
Wadi Al Rayan Lakes - Lakes in Egypt

Among the amazing famous oasis of Fayoum are those interesting lakes which are even more fascinating than the Magic Lake. Lakes of Wadi Al-Rayan are surrounded by captivating landscapes and amazing sand dunes and it is the best place to relax, take amazing pictures, and enjoy your vacation in a very impressive way. The lakes have attracted travelers from all over the world due to the magical natural waterfall that runs between the lower and upper lakes.

The Wadi el Rayan has acted as a reserve made of two separate lakes which are made of a lower lake with a space of 62.00 km2 and an upper lake with an area of 50.90 km2 with many waterfalls between the two. There are a number of sulphur springs on the southern part of the lower lake which also have an extensive number of sand dunes making Wadi El Rayan one of the best sandboarding places in Egypt. All the waterfalls of Wadi El Rayan are by far the biggest waterfalls in all of Egypt. On the southeast parts of the springs and lakes is Gabal Manqueer Al Rayan are archaeological remains and marine fossils like Tutcetus rayanensis.

7- Lake Burullus

Lake of Burullus  - Lakes in Egypt
Lake of Burullus - Lakes in Egypt

Lake Burullus is the second-largest lake & one of the best national parks in Egypt and it is located in the governorate of Kafr El-Sheikh on the eastern side of the city of Rosetta. It was connected by the Mediterranean Sea which served as a defensive frontier settlement during the early Islamic period. The bureaus lake was separated by a very narrow strip of land which held a home of around 50 Islands on an area of .7 square kilometers.

The lake is considered a protected area and also an environmental site due to its sand plains, and salt swamps, and also as a historic site for the great historical settlement that is located under its water. There are hundreds of different 3 species of fish, 112 species of birds, 23 species of reptiles, and 18 species of mammals in the area and it would be amazing to explore the area while being in Egypt.

8- Lake Mariout

Lake Mariout - Lakes in Egypt
Lake Mariout - Lakes in Egypt

The magnificent lake Mariout is the biggest fresh lake in Egypt which is connected to the heavenly Nile River through canals which was the source of irrigation and drinking water in the entire region. It has an area of around 200 sq km (77 sq mi) and in the 21st century, the area is around 50 square kilometers (19 sq mi). At the start of the 12th century, the lake started to shrink all the way to the late middle ages which has dried up completely. A seawater lake known as Lake Abu Qir was created by a storm around 1770 and in 1801 the seawater was rushed into Lake Mariout by the British who destroyed 150 villages and made the lake too shallow for any navigation.

Lake Mariout is a magnificent brackish lake that has been separated from the Mediterranean Sea. Today the lake shore is home to a number of saltworks and fisheries. The town of Abusir can be found on the magical shore of the great Lake Mariout which contains ruins of an ancient replica of a great lighthouse and a magnificent ancient temple. Many believe the surroundings of the lake were the burial ground of Mark Antony and Cleopatra.

9- Great Bitter Lake

Great Bitte Lake - Lakes in Egypt
Great Bitte Lake - Lakes in Egypt

The enchanting Great Bitter Lake and the Small Bitter Lake is a magnificent part of the Suez Canal near the Ismailia that was used as a dry salt valley which is connected to the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea which acts as a passing lane for ships. The history of the lake dates all the way to the old kingdom of Egypt (2700 – 2200 BC) where it was mentioned in the ancient pyramid texts.

The current name of the lake originated from Greek symbolizing the high level of salinity at 41‰ and 45‰ in 2017 because of the increase of seawater that originated from the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. The lake has a length of 24 km (15 mi), a width of around 13 km (8.1 mi), and a Surface area of around 194 km2 (75 sq mi). The lake is home to 31 gastropods and 19 bivalve species plus a high biodiversity of Molluscs.

10- Bardawil Lake

Bardawil Lake - Lakes in Egypt
Bardawil Lake - Lakes in Egypt

The striking lake of Bardawil is found on the northern coast of Sinia near the Zaranik protected area, known to be a high saline lagoon and one of the three biggest lakes in that area which is 30 kilometers long and 14 kilometers wide plus a surface area of 59,500 ha (147,000 acres). The lake is shallow with a maximum depth of about three meters and is separated from the Mediterranean Sea by a narrow sandbar thus allowing it to increase its salinity. This legendary lake has a diverse ecosystem that holds interdune depressions, wet salt marshes, sand dunes, saline sand flats, and mobile sand dunes.

Across its wetland and harbors are 30% of the recorded species in the Mediterranean Coast of Sinai which was vital for the survival of many threatened plant species and six threatened flora species like the Iris mariae. The lake area is home to many incredible sea turtles and bottlenose dolphins. The history of the lake dates back to the time of Baldwin I, a Crusader king based in Jerusalem the lake is named after him who raided Egypt to protect his glorious kingdom and passed away in El-Arish while fishing in 1118 CE.

11- Toshka Lakes

Toshka Lakes - Lakes in Egypt
Toshka Lakes - Lakes in Egypt

The incredible Toshka lakes were created as a result of periodic overflow from the marvelous lake Nasser which has played a very pivotal role in the creation of the initiation of the Toshka New Valley project. The lakes of Toshka were established by a high water level from the Nile floods that overflowed within the Toshka region around 1988 which was seen forming by astronauts while being onboard the International Space Station.

Toshka Lakes has a surface area of 1,450 km2 (560 sq mi) (2000) and the lowest area of around 307 km2 (119 sq mi) plus a water volume of around 25.26 km3 (10 cu mi) (2000). The Toshka lakes cannot flow to the sea and are known to have high saline levels. The area over the years and the water have changed between 2006 to 2019 due to natural and manmade changes in order to improve agriculture and the local economy.

12- Lake Manzala

Lake Manzala - Lakes in Egypt
Lake Manzala - Lakes in Egypt

The phenomenal Lake Manzala is a massive Brachkish found in the northeastern part of Egypt on the Nile delta which is the biggest among Egypt's northern deltaic lakes and measures 47 km in length and 30 km in width. The name of the lake comes from the Coptic word meaning the descend. The lake is shallow because it was altered because of the Suez Canal's construction. It is one of the northernmost of three natural lakes intersected by the Suez Canal to accommodate international ships.

The lake is separated from the Mediterranean Sea by a great sand strip. The lake for many years has acted as a powerful source of affordable fish but its productivity has decreased because the water of the lake was used for irrigation to many farming projects which failed because of the salty soil. The lake across the later years has lost about 80% of its original area due to many drainage efforts.

13- Edko Lake

Edko Lake - Lakes in Egypt
Edko Lake - Lakes in Egypt

The delightful Idku Lake is one of the most magnificent lakes that has a freshwater area of 62.78 square kilometers (24.24 sq mi) that is connected to the Mediterranean Sea. The lake and its coasts have an incredibly diverse ecosystem found west of Rashid branch which is surrounded by fine sand dunes which create a magical landscape filled with the most magnificent wildlife of plants and wildlife.

Lake Idku possesses a distinguished ecosystem where fresh water meets saline sea water which explains why it is rich in many resources. Many human activities are competing to exploit it.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Lakes are There in Egypt?

Egypt has 13 known lakes, both natural and man-made found on a surface area of 3,600 square miles. Some of the notable lakes in Egypt include Nasser Lake (High Dam Lake), Mariout Lake, Edko Lake, Morris Lake, (Qarun Lake), Manzilah Lake, Burullus Lake, Bardawil Lake, and others. However, the total number of lakes in Egypt is relatively small compared to many other countries.

What is the Most Beautiful Lake in Egypt?

Lake Nasser is by far the most beautiful lake reservoir created by the Aswan High Dam on the Nile River, It has a vast expanse of temples and monuments that can be seen along its shores, such as the Abu Simbel temples. the crystal-clear waters of the Red Sea along the Sinai Peninsula offer beautiful marine landscapes that complete this magical view.

What is the Biggest Lake in Egypt?

The largest lake in Egypt is Lake Nasser, also known as Lake Nubia which is a man-made reservoir, formed by the construction of the Aswan High Dam on the Nile River. It is not only the biggest lake in Egypt but also one of the largest artificial lakes in the world, with a surface area of approximately 5,250 square kilometers (2,030 square miles).

What Are the Finest Destinations to Visit in Egypt?

The entire country of Egypt deserve to be explored with its every heavenly detail but there are places that must be seen before any other such as the breathtaking Hurghada's red sea, The wonders of Cairo the pyramids of Giza, the great sphinx, the Egyptian Museum, Khan El Khalili Bazaar, the wonders of Luxor like Valley of the Kings, Karnak & Hatshepsut temple and the wonders of Aswan such as Abu Simbel temples, Philea temple, Unfinished obelisk and The Wonders of Alexandria like Qaitbat Citadel, Pompey's Pillar and Alexandria Library. Read more about the best places to visit in Egypt.

What Are Egypt's Visa Requirements?

If you want to apply for a Visa On Arrival that lasts for 30 days then you should be one of the eligible countries, have a valid passport with at least 6 months remaining and pay 25$ USD in cash, as for the E-Visa for 30 day you should have a valid passport for at least 8 months, complete the online application, pay the e-visa fee then print the e-visa to later be presented to the airport border guard. You could also be one of the lucky ones who can obtain a free visa for 90 days. Read more about Egypt travel visa.

What Is the Top Traditional Egyptian Food?

Egypt has a variety of delicious cuisines but we recommend “Ful & Ta’meya (Fava Beans and Falafel)”, Mulukhiya, “Koshary”, a traditional Egyptian pasta dish, and Kebab & Kofta, the Egyptian traditional meat dish.

What is the Best Time to Visit Egypt?

The best time to travel to Egypt is during the winter from September to April as the climate becomes a little tropical accompanied by a magical atmosphere of warm weather with a winter breeze. You will be notified in the week of your trip if the Climate is unsafe and if any changes have been made.

What to Pack for Your Egypt Tour?

You should pack everything you could ever need in a small bag so you could move easily between your destinations.

Why Book With "Egypt Tours Portal"?

We have been creating the finest vacations for more than 20 years around the most majestic destinations in Egypt. Our staff consists of the best operators, guides and drivers who dedicate all of their time & effort to make you have the perfect vacation. All of our tours are customized by Travel, Financial & Time consultants to fit your every possible need during your vacation. It doesn't go without saying that your safety and comfort are our main priority and all of our resources will be directed to provide the finest atmosphere until you return home.

Is it Safe to Travel to Egypt?

You will feel safe in Egypt as the current atmosphere of the country is quite peaceful after the government took powerful measures like restructuring the entire tourist police to include all the important and tourist attractions in Egypt. Read more about is it safe to travel to Egypt.

What to Wear While in Egypt?

Wear whatever feels right and comfortable. It is advised to wear something light and comfortable footwear like a closed-toe shoe to sustain the terrain of Egypt. Put on sun block during your time in Egypt in the summer to protect yourself from the sun.

What are the Best Activities to Do in Egypt?

The best activity is by far boarding a Nile Cruise between Luxor and Aswan or Vise Versa. Witness the beauty of Egypt from a hot balloon or a plane and try all the delicious Egyptian cuisines and drinks plus shopping in old Cairo. Explore the allure and wonders of the red sea in the magical city resorts of Egypt like Hurghada and many more by diving and snorkeling in the marine life or Hurghada. Behold the mesmerizing western desert by a safari trip under the heavenly Egyptian skies.

What are Egypt Festival and Public Holidays?

There are a lot of public holidays in Egypt too many to count either religious or nation, the most important festivals are the holy month of Ramadan which ends with Eid Al Fitr, Christmas and new years eve. Read more about festivals & publich holidays in Egypt.

What are Special Advice for Foreign Women in Egypt?

Egypt is considered to be one of the most liberal Islamic countries but it has become a little bit conservative in the last couple of decades so it is advised to avoid showing your chest, shoulders or legs below the knees.

What are the Official Languages of Egypt?

Arabic is the official language and Most Egyptians, who live in the cities, speak or understand English or at least some English words or phrases. Fewer Egyptians can speak French, Italian, Spanish, and German. Professional tour guides, who work in the tourism sector, are equipped to handle visitors who cannot speak Arabic and they will speak enough English and other languages to fulfill the needs of all our clients.

What is the Transportation in Egypt?

The fastest way is a car, of course, a taxi. If you are in Cairo ride a white taxi to move faster or you could board the fastest way of transportation in Egypt metro if the roads are in rush hour.

What is the Weather is Like?

The temperature in Egypt ranges from 37c to 14 c. Summer in Egypt is somehow hot but sometimes it becomes cold at night and winter is cool and mild. The average of low temperatures vary from 9.5 °C in the wintertime to 23 °C in the summertime and the average high temperatures vary from 17 °C in the wintertime to 32 °C in the summertime. The temperature is moderate all along the coasts.

What are the Reasons That Make You Visit Egypt?

It is the home of everything a traveler might be looking for from amazing historical sites dating to more than 4000 years to enchanting city resorts & beaches. You will live the vacation you deserve as Egypt has everything you could possibly imagine.

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