The history of ancient Egypt dates back to more than 5000 years where the greatest men and women this civilization can offer were able to change the course of history and create an immortal legacy and heavenly heritage. Explore all the information relating to these ancient Egyptian pharaohs and see how the great civilization of Egypt shifted over the years.
1. King Menes {Narmer}
King Menes - Egypt Tours PortalKing Narmer is the ruler who united the two lands of upper and Lower Egypt whose reign lasted for 62 years as he crowned himself as the 1st king of the first centralized monarch in 3150 BC as recorded on the Narmer Palette. He recorded this great event on his palette which is located at the Grand Egyptian Museum in Giza, the palette consists of two faces. We can found the name of Narmer written in a small square, the king wearing the white crown and holding the heads of one of his enemies from his collective hair, on the other side we can see the king wearing the red crown which means he became the ruler of both lands.
2. King Zoser {Djoser}
King Zoser - Egypt Tours Portal King Djoser is the pharaoh of the third dynasty whose reign lasted for 19 to 28 years from 3686 till 2648 BC the builder of the 1st pyramid in Egypt the Step Pyramid in Saqqara to be his tomb as part of his funerary complex during the 3rd dynasty, his pyramid at Saqqara complex has a limestone statue located on the 1st floor at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo and considers one of the masters' pieces of the Museum because it’s the 1st life-size statue in ancient Egypt. it is now located at the Grand Egyptian Museum.
3. King Snefru
King Snefru - Egypt Tours Portal King Snefru was a pharaoh of the 4th Dynasty whose reign lasted between 24 to 30 years from 2600 BC. He is the builder of the first true pyramid at Dahshour which is opened for all visitors. He is responsible for building three pyramids that offered a great deal of innovation. The most famous pyramid is the red pyramid which acts as his tomb.
4. King Khufu {Cheops}
King Khufu - Egypt Tours PortalKing Khufu is the son of king Snefru and ruled Egypt more than 23 years during the 4th Dynasty from 2589 to 2566 BC, and the builder of the Great Pyramid one of the seven wonders of the ancient world which is known for its unusually large size and because of the burial chamber is in the center of the pyramid rather than at the bottom. It has about 2,300,000blocks of stone each one is about 2.5 tons.
5. King Khafra { Kefren}
King Khafra - Egypt Tours PortalKing Khafreis the son of King Khufu, he succeeded his father on the throne of Egypt and built the second largest Giza Pyramid and the Great Sphinx. His reign lasted for 26 years starting in 2570 BC. The ancient Egyptian pharaohs have many statues displayed at the Grand Egyptian when you see those statues during your journey to Egypt where you’ll discover the intelligence of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs.
6. King Menkaure {Mycerinus}
King Menkaure - Egypt Tours Portal King Menkaure ruled Egypt From 2532 to 2503 during the 4th dynasty of the old kingdom. He is the builder of the 3rd pyramid at Giza complex, he only had one daughter who died during his life and he buried her in a golden coffin inside the pyramid but it was stolen by grave robbers a long time ago.
7. King Pepi II
King Pepi II - Egypt Tours Portal King Pepi II also Known as Nefer Ka Ra was a pharaoh from the 6th Dynasty, during the Old Kingdom of Egypt, from 2278 to 2184 B.C. he ruled Egypt for a long time many historians say 94 years while others say 64 years. The first half of his reign seems to have been prosperous with trade existing with various places. During the latter part of his reign, local officials grew in power and began setting up little kingdoms. The second half of Pepi II’s reign was a time of economic crisis. Circumstances forced him to establish an economic overseer in Upper Egypt.
8. King Senusret I
King Senusret I - Egypt Tours Portal King Senusret I also called "Kheper Ka Ra" & "Sesostres I" was a king of Egypt who ruled during the 12th Dynasty in the Middle Kingdom. His reign from 1971 till 1926 BC was a time of peace with no records of military campaigns found to date. Senusret I was the first pharaoh to begin irrigating the Faiyum to open more land for cultivation purposes. He has many statues displayed in the Grand Egyptian Museum all in a very good state of preservation, he also built a pyramid and a funerary complex at Lahun.
9. King Ahmos I
King Ahmos I - Egypt Tours Portal King Ahmos I was a member of the Theban Royal house during that time, his father is king Sekenenra. He is the founder of the 18th Dynasty which began in the New Kingdom of Egypt and reign lasted for 25 years from 1549 till 1524 BC. He started the reunification of Egypt after the Second Intermediate Period. He fought battles in Egypt, Palestine, and Kush as he sought to banish the Hyksos and their culture. Ahmose I began building projects at Memphis and in his religious capital. His tomb location is unknown but his mummy was part of the Deir el-Bahri royal mummy.
10. King Amenhotep I
King Amenhotep I - Egypt Tours Portal King Amenhotep I was from the 18th Dynasty, during the New Kingdom. He was the son of Ahmose I and he continued his father’s building projects and his military campaigns. His reign lasted for 20 years from 1525 till 1504 BC. Amenhotep I military campaigns brought many treasures that allowed the pharaoh to fund his building projects. The workmen at Deir el-Medina worshipped him, and his mother, as their patron gods for centuries. Deir el-Medina was the town where the government workers who built the Valley of the Kings lived. During that time, it became a rule that royal females could only marry a king.
11. King Thutmose II
King Thutmose II - Egypt Tours Portal King Thutmose II was a ruler of the 18th Dynasty, in the New Kingdom and his reign lasted from 1493 till 1479 BC. His father is king Thutmose I. His mummy, found in the royal cache at the Temple of Hatshepsut, shows signs of weakness and diseases that caused his death.
12. Queen Hatshepsut
Queen Hatshepsut - Egypt Tours PortalQueen Hatshepsut was a pharaoh from the 18th Dynasty who is considered to be one of the powerful ancient Egypt pharaohs ruled Egypt during the New Kingdom from 1481 till 1472 BC, and the first woman who ruled Egypt when her husband (Thutmose II) died because his son (Thutmose III) was a young child. She began her rule as his queen regent but she became the pharaoh. Queen Hatshepsut extended Egyptian trade and oversaw ambitious building projects, most notably the temple of Deir el-Bahri "Hatshepsut Temple". She claimed to be the child of Amun and transformed herself into a king by wearing the symbols of kingship as shown at her marvelous temple in Luxor.
13. King Thutmose III
King Thutmose III - Egypt Tours Portal King Thutmose III ruled Egypt during the 18th Dynasty, of the New Kingdom from 1479 till 1425 BC, which lasted for more than 40 years. He conducted military campaigns in the Levant and conquered most of Palestine. Hatshepsut’s name and monuments were not dishonored until the end of Thutmose III’s reign. He built and enlarged many monuments and collected a vast amount of wealth from his military campaigns plus he has a great collection of statues located now at the Egyptian Museum.
14. King Amenhotep II
King Amenhotep II - Egypt Tours Portal King Amenhotep II was an 18th Dynasty ruler, during the New Kingdom whose reign lasted from 1427 till 1401 BC, and co-regent with his father, Thutmose III. He completed the dishonoring of Hatshepsut’s monuments to end any claims by her family for the right to rule. Amenhotep II ruled for almost thirty years and his depictions show him as an athletic man.
15. King Amenhotep IV
King Amenhotep IV - Egypt Tours Portal King Amenhotep IV "Akhenaton", was an 18th Dynasty pharaoh who ruled Egypt during the New Kingdom from 1353 till 1336 BC. He ruled for less than twenty years but his reign had a great impact as he desired to enforce monotheism by worshipping Aton the sun god only despite Egypt's polytheism nature at the time. Akhenaten came to the throne at a time when the priests of Amun were wealthy and powerful even more than the king himself. In the fifth year of his reign, Akhenaten built a temple to Aten at Karnak during the first few years of his reign and a new capital at Amarna called Akhetaten which is located in Menya about 350 KM south of Cairo. He changed his name and declared Aten the only deity in Egypt. The military supported this move at the beginning of his reign but many people still worshipped the old deities in private. His wife Nefertiti was an important part of his religious revolution, plus the rituals and depictions of her making sacrifices exist at Amarna.
16. King Tutankhamun
King Tutankhamun - Egypt Tours PortalKing Tutankhamun was the youngest ancient Egypt pharaoh who ruled Egypt from the 18th Dynasty, during the New Kingdom from 1334 till 1325 BC, and the best-known pharaoh all around the world. He was the son of Akhenaten and became pharaoh at the age of nine. During the first year of his reign, Tutankhamun left Amarna and remade Thebes as his capital and restored the cults of the old deities. His regent was Horemheb who was a senior military official. King Tutankhamun restored the power of Thebes and died after around ten years of rule. Later scribes excluded his name from many of the kings’ lists and people forgot his rule. For this reason, tomb-robbers never found his tomb in the Valley of the Kings as it was well hidden. His treasures and his body have been found at The Valley of The Kings in 1920 and transferred to the Egyptian Museum in Cairo then to the grand Egyptian museum.
17. King Ramses I
King Ramses I - Egypt Tours Portal King Ramses I was the first ruler and founder of the 19th Dynasty, during the New Kingdom from 1292 till 1290 BC. he was an older man when he became pharaoh and his son’s birth Seti I took place before his ascension. He ruled for less than a year and he set his son up as his heir immediately after gaining the throne. He was able to create a state of stability that helped in shaping the best time periods in the history of Egypt.
18. King Seti I
King Seti I - Egypt Tours Portal King Seti I was the son of Ramses I and the father of Ramses II. He was a pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty and a ruler of the New Kingdom. His reign lasted from 1290 till 1279 BC. He restored the traditional temples and opened old mines to raise money for his building projects and his military expiations. The exact length of his reign is about eleven years and his tomb is located at the Valley of the Kings.
19. King Ramses II
King Ramses II - Egypt Tours PortalRamses II set on the thrones of Egypt in 1279 B.C at the age of 25 years old after the death of his father Seti I and his reign lasted for 67 years until 1213 BC. He was able to develop a strong economy and maintain Egypt's prosperity for a long time. He constructed many temples within the land of Karnak like the temple of Khonsu plus the great temple of Abu Simbel at Aswan and the hall of Columns in the Karnak Temple Complex. He protected his empire against many enemies like Libyans, Syrians, Nubians, and the Hittites during the battle of Kadesh in 1275 BC which ended in the first documented peace treaty. He had about 200 wives most famous of them was his beloved & main wife Nefertari and had about 111 sons and 51 daughters. HE declared himself a god before the tenth year of his reign and outlived his twelve oldest sons. He died in 1213 B.C at the age of 90 years old, his body was in Valley of the Kings in Luxor then it was moved to the Grand Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
20. King Merenptah
King Merenptah - Egypt Tours Portal King Merenptah was the thirteenth son of Ramses II and ruled during the 19th Dynasty of the New Kingdom whose reign lasted from 1213 till 1203 BC. He conducted campaigns in Palestine and his stele contains the first written mention of Israel. After he defeated a Libyan invasion, he had a peaceful reign and built a number of temples. Merneptah must have been older when his rule began because it lasted for only nine years.
21. King Ramses III
King Ramses III - Egypt Tours Portal King Ramses III was a ruler from the 20th Dynasty of the New Kingdom whose reign lasted from 1186 till 1155 BC. The records show that he was not a relative of the previous Ramses dynasty despite carrying their name. After his predecessor Twosret’s death, there was a period of lawlessness that Sethnakht, Ramses 3rd’s father ended. He had to fight various invaders trying to take advantage of Egypt’s internal turmoil. He built a mortuary temple in the Theban Necropolis and various other constructions. He reorganized the temple administrations and land allocations. By the end of Ramses 3rd’s thirty-one-year reign, one-third of the farmland belonging to the temples which caused food shortages and led to one of the first recorded strikes of the workers at Deir el-Medina. It also led to a weakening in the power of the pharaoh and the central government.
The previous kings mentioned were the most famous and important kings who had a great influence on Egyptian history and civilization.
It’s important to mention also that the descent of kingship was usually from father to son but the role of mothers and queens was equally important because the successor was a son of the king by the chief royal wife only. During the Egyptian history, the role of the queen was as a symbol of power creation and rebirth.
You can discover more about this immortal pharaonic civilization by booking one of our best Egypt tour packages and visit the stunning attractions such as Karnak temple, Queen Hatshepsut temple, Valley of the Kings, onboard Nile river cruise, which contains the history and the legacy of these everlasting names.
Egypt Tours Portal team dedicates its time and energy to preserving and showcasing the vast history and mysteries of the ancient Egyptians that trace back more than 5000 years across their most famous destinations that hold an incredible number of monuments and attractions. The team’s main purpose is to shed light on the infinite wealth of natural, historical, cultural, and mythological knowledge for everyone who wished to learn something new and prepare for their journey across the magical destinations of Egypt.Read More
All the team members of the Egypt tours portal are a highly knowledgeable and qualified group of Egyptologists, Archaeologists, historians, world travelers, content creators, digital marketers, consultants, and explorers who have a vast experience in each of their fields, stretching from 5 to 20 years where everyone gained an unfathomable understanding of their craft that provide all the visitors and clients to gain priceless information and all the means needed to have the most entertaining travel experience in Egypt.
The information mentioned on the website was created over a long period of time by a number of the most qualified experts in each of their fields which was updated regularly on a monthly basis and depends on a number of highly trusted sources with confirmed facts to ensure the safest delivery and consumption of each information in the most useful and positive manner.
All our sources and resources of the Egypt tours portal which was cultivated for over 35 years that were made to provide the most incredible Egypt tours & vacation packages, Egypt Nile cruises, Egypt day tours & excursions, and Egypt shore excursions that have won the praise of all our clients as shown by own clients on TripAdvisor, won a number of awards, and mentioned by a number of renowned news agencies and travel blogs plus provides an enriching educational and entertaining travel experience for everyone.
Egypt Tours Portal was established in 1987 and we have more than 33 years of experience in the field of tourism in Egypt. We have defined the word of professionalism throughout the tours that we have arranged through the past years as it is not just business to us but it is a matter of proving to the whole world that we are the best travel agency in the middle east who can arrange perfect well-organized tours in Egypt with the whole required element to make it one of its kind.
My fiancé and I booked a private 5 day tour of Egypt with ETP starting in Cairo followed Read Moreby Aswan, Abu Simbel and Luxor. We just got home and continue to talk about how amazing the trip was. The communication with ETP was excellent. Very fast responses and they are very accommodating. Our tour was nonstop which was okay by us as we wanted to see all the sights in 4 days.Read Less
This was the trip of a lifetime that I was able to have with my eldest son - an absolutelyRead More amazing experience. To be able to actually see the places and artifacts that I had read about and studied was truly phenomenal. Our hotels were great, the travel to and from sites was completely taken care of, we never felt unsafe or left to our own devices, and the itinerary was just right. But what made the experience so fab was our two guides - Mahmoud Nour in Luxor/Aswan/Abu Simbel and "Max" in Cairo/Memphis/Saqqara. They taught us history and context as it related to each site we visited and they indulged my myriad questions. They were both so incredibly knowledgeable and my questions were never ignored or unanswered. In addition, they shared their culture with us and treated us to some awesome dining experiences. We were reminded that Egypt is more than just ancient ruins. I would recommend without reservation this tour experience. And "hats off" to Mahmoud and Max!!! I left feeling like I had made some great new friends. And I can't wait to try some home-made kushari.Read Less
Egypt Tours Portal is an excellent company to use to arrange your visit to Egypt. They worRead Morek with phenomenal guides (we had Mahmoud Nour in Upper Egypt and Mohsen aka Max in Lower Egypt...I would recommend asking for these guides by name, as they were truly superb), make all the necessary arrangements in terms of drivers, covid testing, hotels, and in-country flights, and can tailor your tour to whatever it is you most want to see. The entire experience was smooth from start to finish. Both Mahmoud and Max spoke excellent English, were extremely knowledgeable, and went out of their way to ensure our experience was everything we hoped it would be. This was the second time I have used ETP, and I will continue to recommend them to anyone who expresses any interest in exploring Egypt. We especially liked that our tour group was limited to only our party, which meant we got one-on-one attention at all the sites, and allowed us to get answers to all our questions. And for those of you who are worried about safety or health in Egypt, in our experience it was extremely safe, and we never had any issues related to COVID-19. Cannot recommend Egypt Tours Portal enough. Choose them, you won't regret it.Read Less
It was an absolutely amazing trip where we saw some of the most historical and beautiful sRead Moreights in Egypt. Our tour guide Mohamed Elshemei was extremely knowledgeable and accommodating to our needsRead Less
Highly recommend this tour company!!! Our guides, Moses, Mahmoud, Magred and Mohamed were Read Moreexceptional, their knowledge of the history is more that accurate, they are also very patient!! For the price and all the attractions, the Nile cruise and the included meals.....well worth it!!! It is a very busy tour, but well worth it!!!Read Less
This review is a late, but I had to provide some feedback. My brother and I went on vacatiRead Moreon in October 2022 and booked with Egypt Tours Portal. With on-line scams on-going, I was a little wary at first. BUT, the experience was amazing. Personal guides and drivers, lodging, food was amazing and perfect. The guides were very knowledgeable, but more importantly PASSIONATE about their job and culture. They went out of their way to take care of us. If you happen to get Zeze or Marianne, you have gotten the best.Read Less
Timmy Lovett
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are the Finest Destinations to Visit in Egypt?
The entire country of Egypt deserve to be explored with its every heavenly detail but there are places that must be seen before any other such as the breathtaking Hurghada's red sea, The wonders of Cairo the pyramids of Giza, the great sphinx, the Egyptian Museum, Khan El Khalili Bazaar, the wonders of Luxor like Valley of the Kings, Karnak & Hatshepsut temple and the wonders of Aswan such as Abu Simbel temples, Philea temple, Unfinished obelisk and The Wonders of Alexandria like Qaitbat Citadel, Pompey's Pillar and Alexandria Library. Read more about the best places to visit in Egypt.
What Are Egypt's Visa Requirements?
If you want to apply for a Visa On Arrival that lasts for 30 days then you should be one of the eligible countries, have a valid passport with at least 6 months remaining and pay 25$ USD in cash, as for the E-Visa for 30 day you should have a valid passport for at least 8 months, complete the online application, pay the e-visa fee then print the e-visa to later be presented to the airport border guard. You could also be one of the lucky ones who can obtain a free visa for 90 days. Read more about Egypt travel visa.
What Is the Top Traditional Egyptian Food?
Egypt has a variety of delicious cuisines but we recommend “Ful & Ta’meya (Fava Beans and Falafel)”, Mulukhiya, “Koshary”, a traditional Egyptian pasta dish, and Kebab & Kofta, the Egyptian traditional meat dish.
What is the Best Time to Visit Egypt?
The best time to travel to Egypt is during the winter from September to April as the climate becomes a little tropical accompanied by a magical atmosphere of warm weather with a winter breeze. You will be notified in the week of your trip if the Climate is unsafe and if any changes have been made.
What to Pack for Your Egypt Tour?
You should pack everything you could ever need in a small bag so you could move easily between your destinations.
Why Book With "Egypt Tours Portal"?
We have been creating the finest vacations for more than 20 years around the most majestic destinations in Egypt. Our staff consists of the best operators, guides and drivers who dedicate all of their time & effort to make you have the perfect vacation. All of our tours are customized by Travel, Financial & Time consultants to fit your every possible need during your vacation. It doesn't go without saying that your safety and comfort are our main priority and all of our resources will be directed to provide the finest atmosphere until you return home.
Is it Safe to Travel to Egypt?
You will feel safe in Egypt as the current atmosphere of the country is quite peaceful after the government took powerful measures like restructuring the entire tourist police to include all the important and tourist attractions in Egypt. Read more about is it safe to travel to Egypt.
What to Wear While in Egypt?
Wear whatever feels right and comfortable. It is advised to wear something light and comfortable footwear like a closed-toe shoe to sustain the terrain of Egypt. Put on sun block during your time in Egypt in the summer to protect yourself from the sun.
What are the Best Activities to Do in Egypt?
The best activity is by far boarding a Nile Cruise between Luxor and Aswan or Vise Versa. Witness the beauty of Egypt from a hot balloon or a plane and try all the delicious Egyptian cuisines and drinks plus shopping in old Cairo. Explore the allure and wonders of the red sea in the magical city resorts of Egypt like Hurghada and many more by diving and snorkeling in the marine life or Hurghada. Behold the mesmerizing western desert by a safari trip under the heavenly Egyptian skies.
What are Egypt Festival and Public Holidays?
There are a lot of public holidays in Egypt too many to count either religious or nation, the most important festivals are the holy month of Ramadan which ends with Eid Al Fitr, Christmas and new years eve. Read more about festivals & publich holidays in Egypt.
What are Special Advice for Foreign Women in Egypt?
Egypt is considered to be one of the most liberal Islamic countries but it has become a little bit conservative in the last couple of decades so it is advised to avoid showing your chest, shoulders or legs below the knees.
What are the Official Languages of Egypt?
Arabic is the official language and Most Egyptians, who live in the cities, speak or understand English or at least some English words or phrases. Fewer Egyptians can speak French, Italian, Spanish, and German. Professional tour guides, who work in the tourism sector, are equipped to handle visitors who cannot speak Arabic and they will speak enough English and other languages to fulfill the needs of all our clients.
What is the Transportation in Egypt?
The fastest way is a car, of course, a taxi. If you are in Cairo ride a white taxi to move faster or you could board the fastest way of transportation in Egypt metro if the roads are in rush hour.
What is the Weather is Like?
The temperature in Egypt ranges from 37c to 14 c. Summer in Egypt is somehow hot but sometimes it becomes cold at night and winter is cool and mild. The average of low temperatures vary from 9.5 °C in the wintertime to 23 °C in the summertime and the average high temperatures vary from 17 °C in the wintertime to 32 °C in the summertime. The temperature is moderate all along the coasts.
What are the Reasons That Make You Visit Egypt?
It is the home of everything a traveler might be looking for from amazing historical sites dating to more than 4000 years to enchanting city resorts & beaches. You will live the vacation you deserve as Egypt has everything you could possibly imagine.