The riches of the mythical and divine lands of Saqqara are infinite and always keep on giving. This Egyptian archaeological mission has started working on the site in 2018, where they succeeded in uncovering the unique tomb of the fifth dynasty priest “Wahti”, and again in 2020, the Egyptian ministry of archaeology was able to uncover more than 100 wooden coffins in great condition which was one of the ten most important archaeological discoveries of 2020. But today we have an even bigger discovery that might rewrite the history works.
The Egyptian archaeological mission working with the Sacred Animals (Popastians) in the Saqqara archeological region succeeded in uncovering the site's first and largest hideout dating back to the late age around 500 BC, during the mission's fourth excavation season which was successful in discovering the following:
- 150 bronze statues of various sizes of ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses which are Anubis, Amon Min, Ozir, Isis, Neftrom, Bastet, and Huhour, as well as a number of bronze vessels Of the Isis idol ritual like the cedar, also the bronze statue of the engineer “The headless”.
- A collection of burial wells containing a set of 40 colored wooden coffins from the late-era, completely sealed, and all the mummies are preserved in the best good condition containing chapters from the Book of the Dead.
- The mission also found two doctored wooden statues, in good condition of preservation, of the deities Isis and Neptis in the postures, as well as finding a modern-state burial around 1500 BC, Which has many trinkets such as a bronze mirror, a set of bracelets, necklaces, earrings, anklets, a selection of ornaments and wooden statues with some face doctrine and colored wooden boxes, and brass hardware for everyday life.
The archaeological wonders of ancient Egypt are everlasting able to stand the test of time and offer a magical glimpse into the blessed and creative mind & holy spirit of the ancient Egyptians.